Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Kids

Here's one of my favorite recent pictures of Andrew and Anna. They are total buddies and I can't think of anything that I love more than that. I hope and pray that all of my kids will always have a close friendship with each other. I know that they are so little still, but it is a joy for me to cultivate their relationships with each other. Andrew loves to be the big brother. We have tried to encourage him to be a teacher to Anna. He has definitely embraced that. He loves to teach her about what different animals say. And you can see the thrill on his face when she actually does what he is trying to show her.

When I had Andrew I guess I just assumed that each child that followed would be the same as him. Of course I was wrong. Anna could not be more different than Andrew. How boring would it be to have kids that were all the same. Anna definitely adds some spice to our lives. She is so great to have around. It's funny cause you think your life is fine before your children arrive and then once they're here you think, "how did I ever live without them?"

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