Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Chandler, Monica, Joey, Pheobe, Rachel, Ross

Who can guess my favorite T.V. show of all time? Friends!
How much to do I love Friends? So much!
I have accumulated every season's box set. That means I own every episode of Friends that has ever been made. My favorites are "The One with the Embyos" cause this is the one with "Bamboozled" I also love "The One where No One's Ready" cause Joey puts on all of Chandler's clothes and sayds "Could I be wearing in more clothes?" Oh, man I want to go watch it now!

My husband is the best. He literally lets me turn Friends on every night as we go to bed. I've actually considered taking a set with me to watch on our portable DVD player. But I won't.

I don't know why I love it so much. I know that it was one of the most successful sit-coms, but what about it draws me in so much. Is it that I can imagine being there? Is it that it makes me laugh no matter how many times I've seen it? Maybe its because it's the best mindless thing I can think of and I always end up smiling. Whatever the case, I hope I always love it. Eric jokes that when I'm old I'll be in a nursing home all pulled up to the T.V. in my wheel chair watching it. Maybe I will! It could be worse!

The Cycle Continues

It's been over 18 months. Though those 18 months have presented plenty of challenges of their own, I never missed this thing that was missing. But it has returned. I'm talking about my monthly cycle. My period! YUCK! I always feel like cursing Eve when I'm on my period. Actually I feel like cursing everyone.

My husband will be thrilled to know that I admit that I completely over reacted the other night. I literally thought to myself, "What is wrong with me, why am I acting like this?" But in the moment of a heated discussion (most of the heat brought on by me) I didn't want to admit that I was wrong. The argument is hardly worth mentioning, but I will. In a nutshell, I was anxious about out trip which begins today. I was worrying about the details with the kids and how to best keep them entertained and Eric just wanted me to relax. In the heat, I threw the remote control and stormed downstairs. I never throw things when I'm mad and I rarely storm out of any room. I blame my period.

After I had Andrew I think I had 2 periods that were really weird and they weren't consecutive. Then I got pregnant with Anna. After I had Anna I didn't even have a period before I got pregnant with Alissa, so really, this is sort of like the first in over 3 years. Why do we want so badly to start our periods when we are preteens? There is nothing, and I mean nothing glorious about this.

I will say that I'm thankful that I had my tubal after Alissa. There were times when I worried that I would regret it, but now that my body is evidently back to a fully functional state, I'm really glad I don't have to worry about getting pregnant again. I'm really glad considering Eric and I had a really nice anniversary weekend -nudge, nudge, wink, wink- right when I would have been fertile.

I especially hate traveling while on my period. I mean come on, having to pack all the necessary things including extra underwear just in case, is just an absolute pain-- can I get an amen? Well, it is what it is and I'll just take it in stride. But I'll hate it just the same.