Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Alissa Marie with her Uncle Erik
Thanksgiving 2006

It occurs to me that you never know what impact your words might have on someone. Both positively and negatively. But this thought comes to me because of a positive thing that was said to me some time ago by a very unsuspecting person.

As a nurse I am in contact with many, many people every week. From patients to families and co workers to doctors. I've said before that going to work is so good for me and for my soul. I see patients from all walks that's for sure. One thing is for certain: illness doesn't discriminate. The hospital that I work at, though relatively small (200+ beds), serves a fairly large area. There are also a couple other hospitals nearby, one in particular serves the wealthier population of people in this area.

Most everyone knows that our conception of Alissa was by all means the absolute plan of God. We were surprised to say the least at the knowledge of our pregnancy with her, but thank goodness our faith helped us through the shock. I worked almost up until the day that I delivered her, which finally leads me to the point of this post.

It is a thrill for me to make mention of my kids when I am caring for my patients. Some nurses prefer to completely separate their home lives from their work, but I feel that it makes a patients stay a little nicer when they have the opportunity to share in my life just a little. I know it's risky at times, but I've never found it to be anything by rewarding and worth the effort. When I was very pregnant with Alissa, I was caring for a very elderly woman who was very sick, but still pleasent to talk with. When she asked me about my pregnancy, I took the opportunity to tell her my brief story about my other two children and that this pregnancy, though a surprise, was turning out to be a blessing. At that time she said something that penetrated my soul. She looked at me and said, "Honey, this baby will be so blessed and she is already so special." When she said that to me, I just looked back at her and said, "Thank you, I really know that."

It's funny how someone that I don't even know could say something that impacted me so much. I have no idea if this woman is still living or not, but I would love to be able to tell her how much her words meant to me. And what she said has absolutely proven to be true. Alissa is a blessing to us every day. Her personality is developing so much right now and she is so perfect. Her smile lights up the room and her babbling words are like the sweetest sound you can imagine.

We've often said, "Of course God gave us Alissa, she belongs in our family." We need her. She is a blessing and she is so special.

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