Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Encouraging Women

Today was another Beth Moore day at church. I always come away from there feeling so refreshed. I woke up feeling pretty miserable with a cold that has been looming for a couple days. I thought about skippin the session, but knew I'd be so happy if I went. It was another great message, but the thing I felt most encouraged about was the kind words from a couple of the women in my breakout group.

Of course as you know if you read at all regularly, I put myself out there. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, not just in my writing but also in real life. I was so encouraged that one of my sisters (in Christ, as I have no blood relative sisters)had asked me for my blog address. I was happy to share it. Her words today were so encouraging to my heart. I am blessed that people read what I write, but also very humbled. The blessing came because she was able to relate to my words. When ever I dream of writing I always think, "I would only want to write if I were certain that others could relate." I loved what Beth Moore said in todays message. She talked about how vital it is to let God's Word and words change you. Don't just listen and do nothing. Let them penetrate your soul. She said, if writing these studies and doing these talks does nothing to change us, then what's the point?
That's how I feel when I think about writing. Only if there is a greater good to be gained... not for me, for the Kingdom.

So, my friends this morning encouraged me in this way, that perhaps I could touch a life with my words.

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