Okay, so my faithful readers finally got through to me. Yes, I know it's been a while since I've posted. Usually, you can take that to mean that something big is going on. And indeed in this case that has been true. Writing is such an outlet for me, that if I'm not posting on my blog you can be certain that my writing is taking place elsewhere. As I shared in my last post, I have been reading "Believing God" by Beth Moore. A terrific book that I highly recommend. In the book she challenges her readers to begin recording God's movement in your life. Even to challenge him on something and then keep a record of how specifically he is moving in that specific area. I'm so glad I accepted the challenge.
As you know, if you read my most recent blog, I have been seeking God for wisdom and guidance regarding one specific area. I find that it's so difficult when I think I know what the right answer or solution is to a problem, but God's doesn't seem to line up with mine. Ultimately, it is safe to say, He will always be right and choosing His way over mine will always reap the most blessing! Thankfully, He responded to my prayer in the most favorable way. I find too, that most things will turn out seeming favorable if I am truly believing His best. And truly trusting Him. If I am not trusting him to reveal His best for me, then it is likely that I have something entirely different in mind and therefore His way will appear unfavorable.
I am happy to share that God's specific answer to the cry of my heart has led us to transplanting our family to Fort Wayne, IN. The events leading up to this job transfer for Eric are nothing short of miraculous. And I say that with every ounce of my soul. I hope at some point to sift through the record that I have kept of God's hand at work in our lives for the past month and post excerpts. It has increased my faith possibly more than anything else has in my life, with the exception of the revelation of my future husband when I was 21 years old.
We have rejoiced at this opportunity and thanked God on every level for the chance to be surrounded by friends who love us and who love the Lord! Is there a better circumstance to be in during this life?
I know that it is quite evident to my readers that we have struggled in this place. The struggle has existed on many levels. The Spiritual level tops them though. The difficulty finding the right church fit has been exceptionally frustrating, but when I was able to look beyond the frustration and believe that God had something great in mind for us, the Holy Spirit literally took over my anxiety and frustration and replaced it with peace. His peace is a much more comfortable place to live than my fleshly anxiety, which admitedly would never cease to be there if it weren't for the Spirit's intervention in my life. Praise God for that!
The most recent turn of events qualify as one of my top 3 mountain top experiences in life. Mountain top experiences are really something. They are something that when they are happening, one certainly wishes would never end, but without some valleys there would be no room for serious soul searching and spiritual growth. That has certainly been true in my life. I can remember looking forward to mountain top experiences every summer at church camp from the time I was 10 years old. Those were those precious experiences that truly mold child-like faith! The types that would send me home with a flame so hot for Jesus that I felt like I really could change the world for Christ! Those, while life changing at that stage in life, pale in comparison to the rarer mountain tops that I have experienced as an adult. These are the experiences that I believe God really meant to change lives. I am convinced that God has a strategy for each and every life to maximize our spiritual potential. Of course, we do have a part in our response to his movement. Will we follow or will we resist? Don't think that God isn't capable of changing His strategy according to how we choose. After all He is passionate about persuing us for His Kingdom. One (or even a thousand) wrong move on our part isn't going to blow His game plan for our spiritual lives and the blessing He intends for us. And thank goodness for that!
I have found that in the midst of incredible blessing you will always find a host of trials. As I consider my mountain tops, I am able to easily recall the trials that came at those times too. Isn't something how a trial in the midst of blessing can send us tumbling from the mountain and land us smack in the middle of a valley? And there we are urged to GROW!
As we rejoiced over the offer that Eric received and all that it meant, I found a trial waiting for me just over joyful mountain. Andrew began running a fever the day that we got the confirmation that we'd be moving. He has been more sick than I can recall he's been in quite a long time. Of course, it goes without saying that if Andrew is sick, the girls have gotten the same bug. If all three kids are sick, it's guaranteed that at least one of us is going to get some degree of the same sick! To maximize the growth opportunities (which is a nice way of saying, "trial to the max") Eric and I have both gotten sick. There are few things more frustrating and draining than being sick and caring for 3 sick kids. And as if it were't enough that we are all sick at the same time, Eric and I are pushing ourselves to muster up the energy to get this house ready to sell. The stress, the anxiety and the illness has turned into a serious valley on the heels of something so wonderful.
Don't get me wrong, I haven't lost total sight of that peak that I know still exists and is one worth striving to reach again. I am stunned by my flesh though. My devotion to my daily time with God has slipped away so easily under the pressure of this valley. And yet, this much I know is true, the only real way out of this valley is with that communion with My Father again.
Tonight, I was both challenged and encouraged by my beloved Husband. His challenge to me was to return to that same belief and unshakable faith. I am encouraged because he is right and this is him being my spiritual leader. Indeed, I am blessed!