Thursday, October 11, 2007

Discipline or something...

I'm inspired to write this morning...well because of myself! First I just have to comment on how fast the time has gone by. Whenever I log on to post a blog, my site tells me the last time I posted. September 27! I can't believe how fast the time has passed. Which leads beautifully into the inspiration for this post.

When I last had a good run of blogging consistently, I remember thinking...and even writing, how motivated I felt to continue this "habit" or discipline. And as I've shared many times before, writing is what I love to do. It's very good for my soul. Somehow though, like many other things in my life I have failed to be consistent for more than a couple weeks. Ugh!

Surely I'm not the only one who struggles with this lack of discipline. Though, I refuse to use that as an excuse or justification for this issue that persists in my life. When I reflect on myself (which occurs far too little) I am always painfully aware of my weaknesses, which include sticking with "the program", whatever that may be. I confess that I do better when there is an actual program to follow. Case and point for my success with Weight Watchers.

I wish that I were the type of person who had naturally ingrained discipline that came easily. I am certain that I would have more accomplishments to speak of and I would likely be a more confident and humble person. But rather than focusing on what I am not (though I think there is value and recognizing our weaknesses), I shall focus on what I am (though not in this post).

I have always believed and demonstrated that I am a dreamer. I aspire to many things and hope to be many things...some of which I have become and many I continue to hope for. Though I hate to make excuses, there are some excuses that I think are valid. One excuse I have for my wavering discipline with things like keeping up my blog more regularly, is my eternally unpredictable routine. A result of having 3 kids who are just being kids. Am I blaming my kids for my lack of discipline? Okay, a little, but this much I know is true... If I want it bad enough, I will find a way to achieve it!
Dear God, Give me discipline this day!--Amen