Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Knowing His Character

If you have kids I know you can relate to this. And if you don't have kids... just imagine...
It's such an amazing act of kindness when people offer their willingness to keep an eye on my kids while I have some "me" time. Whether its dropping the kids off at their classes during church or it's our amazing sitter, Jenny, who comes to play with the kids while we go to our small group, it doesn't matter, it's all me time and these people have my gratitude. I used to be the one watching other people's kids. I did it a lot in high school. But, I have to say no one ever made me really feel appreciated like I hope those who do this favor for me feel.

But here's the real thing... while I love the time that the kids are in someone else's hands, of course there is a part of me that can't wait to see them again. Maybe it's partially a control thing, it could be that I hope the kids aren't causing their gracious volunteer too much grief, and it could be that I just miss them a bit. Whatever the reason, when I walk into that room or walk in the door from being gone, I can't wait for my eyes to meet their's. What a thrill! I feel like the luckiest person alive when they reach out their arms for me to pick them up. That is, unless they are screaming, poopy, or whining-- in which case I feel like I'm the one doing the caregiver a favor! I love when Andrew starts to go on and on about what he did in his class or with Jenny. He tells me that he had cheerios, colored a picture, played tag with the other kids, dressed up in costumes or watched a movie, and all I can do is be thrilled!

This feeling of joy when I see my kids after being away for a time must again just be a drop in the bucket compared to how God must feel when we are in communion with Him. I love this visual: imagine God sitting on His throne waiting, even longing to meet with YOU! And when your knees hit that floor in prayer (figuritively speaking--please don't think that I only pray while kneeling) or you open up His Word for Him to speak to you, he says,"Yes, what a thrill when your eyes meet mine, let me pick you up and hold you." Isn't that awesome?!

I find it amazing that at this time in my life, God is starting to (or else I'm just starting to listen) reveal his character through my experiences with my kids. Oh, I just pray that I will listen hard so that these types of visuals will last.

Today started a women's study at church where the kids go to their classes for the morning and I get to fellowship with other women and get into God's Word. I was a little nervous about the kids and how they'd do given the amount of time, but God is good and the kids did fabulous! The study is Beth Moore's Beloved Disciple. Now, I've done Beth Moore studies before and I am so eager to learn again from her awesome teaching. What a gift she has!
For the intro to this study our challenge is to compose a letter to Christ telling him the desires of my heart. Not the church answer, but the deep longings and desires that are truly in my heart.
So, now I'll go search my heart!