Monday, September 18, 2006

Our Rebellion

I think that the way our children's behavior can make us feel can often be a good representation of how we, as God's children, can make Him feel. I mean this both positive and negative. Of course from the positive side, we rejoice when our children make the right choices and follow the directions that we set for them, especially when they do it without havign to be reminded. What a joy! But, I set out to write this blog because of the negative.

Okay, so Andrew has really nailed potty training. I would even go as far as saying he's potty trained! There was a time when I had my doubts. But every once in a while, he goes through a little rebellion. Like this morning. He peed in his underwear twice before noon. The first time, I offered grace without hesitation because he had just gotten up and I forgot to remind him to go. Then he was just a little too late. The second time though, I really felt that he should have known better. His pulling at his crotch was a sign that I should find out what was going on. So I said, "Andrew, did you have an accident?" Then, point blank, he just said, "No". Then he quickly climbed up on the couch to hide the evidence since he knew I couldn't reach him from where I was sitting in the rocker feeding Alissa a bottle. He's pretty sneaky. So, I said, "Are you telling mommy the truth? If you are lying to me, then you will be disciplined." He knows what telling the truth is, what lying is and what it means to be disciplined, so with his head hung very low, he said, "Yes, I had an accident." So, I said, "Thank you for telling me the truth. Please get up and go potty and take your unders off." And off he went to follow my directions promptly.

Why does he lie? That was the question that I had. Then I thought, why do I lie and do a hundered other things that grieve God's heart? The way that I feel when Andrew lies to me must just be a scratch on the very surface of what God feels every time I disobey him. Certainly, I have understood that God has placed these children in my life to teach me a little something about His character. And once again, I am reminded.

Of course, I extend grace to my kids when they disobey or don't follow directions. Isn't it the least that I can do for all the Grace that has been extended to me through the death and resurrection of my Savior, Jesus.

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