Thursday, September 07, 2006

Krikey...he's really gone :(

Here we are dressed up as Steve and Terry Irwin (and Andrew is our Croc) for Halloween in 2003. Okay, so we're not exactly what you would call die hard fans of animal planet and sure we respect wildlife, but I wouldn't put either of in the category of wildlife conservationists. We did, however, get a kick out of watching the Croc Hunter get dangerously close to crazy animals like crocs, komodo dragons, rhinos and many more. We used to literally just sit there and laugh at how rediculous he was for trying such stunts. In my heart of hearts, I believe this man really loved what he was doing. He loved the learning that was associated with his job. He had a job that literally only a few people have in the world. It's so sad that the education that he was able to give by doing what he did can no longer be done by him.

I was so surprised to see that he had died. I mean of all people, for some reason, he just seemed the least likely. He really knew what he was doing. Even more surprising is how he died. I mean, come on... a stingray. There have only been like 10 people that have ever died by a stingray. And what are the odds that he was in exactly the right spot to get stabbed directly in the heart? I mean if he had gotten stabbed in the leg or the shoulder, it wouldn't have killed him. They say that the poison that a stingray produces is unlikely to kill a human. Here's a guy who takes all kinds of risks with other much more dangerous animals and he dies from a stingray barbing him in the heart!!! It would be like a lion tamer getting killed by a domestic cat!

Well, needless to say, I was so sad that he had died. I know it sounds silly, but if only for entertainment, we really enjoyed Steve Irwin. We even taught Andrew to say, "Krikey, it's dingo." when we read his book about different deserts. Perhaps we'll watch the reruns of The Croc Hunter on Animal Planet and remember the good times!

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