Sunday, October 21, 2007

Go Tribe!

Growing up baseball was a huge part of my life. Always a fan, but never of one particular team. I didn't particularly have "a team", though the closest would have been the Chicago Cubs. When I met Eric, it didn't take long to learn that he was a die hard Cleveland Indians fan. Let me make it clear how much I love die hards. I think there are few things in life sweeter than someone who sticks with a team even through the bad years. My man is that kind of fan! After we married and my brother's playing career ended, I was quickly converted to a Tribe fan.
So here we sit watching game seven of seven in the ALCS. For those that don't know, this is the Championship game. The last chance to make it to the World Series for a chance at being #1. The Indians surprised everyone this year. In many ways making it this far is better than most thought they'd do this year. But once a team makes it this far, the fans get greedy and want it all. The great thing about this particular series is that they've shown up to play every game...every game except last night. They were up 3 games to 1 against Boston and we thought they had it in the bag, but last night the Indians might as well have stayed in Cleveland. They got beat 12-2.
12-2! in the 6th game of the American League Championship Series! Honestly!
It's great to be married to a die hard fan until there is a moment like this. We literally went to bed without speaking. Eric was so mad that anything he had to say was unpleasant so it was better to just not talk. Though as a fan myself and one who was born hating to lose, it was hard for me to watch too. You can't blame a guy for being mad at his team when he's been waiting for a moment of Tribe glory since he was a little kid.
For the last month, we have found ourselves up many nights cheering on our team with knots in our stomachs. Unfortunately we find ourselves eating our way through many of the games. For weight loss purposes only, we would like this craziness to end. In every other way, we continue to cross our fingers and hope for the best.
No matter what happens tonight we will remain Tribe fans. This is how die hards are made!
Go Tribe!

Monday, October 15, 2007

What Not to Pathway

This morning I am feeling refreshed after a very spiritually productive weekend. I went to a women's retreat at the church we've been attending--Pathway Community Church. I went not really knowing anyone and in many ways, that's the way to go. I know that not everyone is like me and this type of instance would make them uncomfortable enough to not go at all. My belief is that often times when we attend an event with a friend you limit your opportunities to meet other people because you stay comfortable with whom ever you came with. Now don't get me wrong, most times in my life you will find me with friends going hither and yon. The circumstances being what they were this time, I really had no choice. I really wanted to meet some other women at the church especially because I am convinced that God is calling me to serve in women's ministry in some way. In what way exactly, I still am not sure. But I am so happy I went.
The theme of the weekend was based on the TLC show What Not to Wear. The speaker took the concept of the show and really found and presented some profound truths. It was really excellent teaching and some even better fellowship. It's just a matter of fact in this stage of our life that we are unlikely to make many significant connections without attending an event like this simply because our Sundays are spent getting our kids to their classes, enjoying the service together and then scurrying to get our kids from their classes and then out the door.
Participating in an event like this was terrific because it opened up doors for me to meet other women and then in turn we have the opportunity to introduce our husbands...thus making a connection. That is a large part of what fellowship is about for us. We have always loved knowing who we were serving and worshipping with.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Discipline or something...

I'm inspired to write this morning...well because of myself! First I just have to comment on how fast the time has gone by. Whenever I log on to post a blog, my site tells me the last time I posted. September 27! I can't believe how fast the time has passed. Which leads beautifully into the inspiration for this post.

When I last had a good run of blogging consistently, I remember thinking...and even writing, how motivated I felt to continue this "habit" or discipline. And as I've shared many times before, writing is what I love to do. It's very good for my soul. Somehow though, like many other things in my life I have failed to be consistent for more than a couple weeks. Ugh!

Surely I'm not the only one who struggles with this lack of discipline. Though, I refuse to use that as an excuse or justification for this issue that persists in my life. When I reflect on myself (which occurs far too little) I am always painfully aware of my weaknesses, which include sticking with "the program", whatever that may be. I confess that I do better when there is an actual program to follow. Case and point for my success with Weight Watchers.

I wish that I were the type of person who had naturally ingrained discipline that came easily. I am certain that I would have more accomplishments to speak of and I would likely be a more confident and humble person. But rather than focusing on what I am not (though I think there is value and recognizing our weaknesses), I shall focus on what I am (though not in this post).

I have always believed and demonstrated that I am a dreamer. I aspire to many things and hope to be many things...some of which I have become and many I continue to hope for. Though I hate to make excuses, there are some excuses that I think are valid. One excuse I have for my wavering discipline with things like keeping up my blog more regularly, is my eternally unpredictable routine. A result of having 3 kids who are just being kids. Am I blaming my kids for my lack of discipline? Okay, a little, but this much I know is true... If I want it bad enough, I will find a way to achieve it!
Dear God, Give me discipline this day!--Amen